Various dates 2000 - 2009
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A dumping-ground for anything SOTCAA-related created over the past decade or so.
If you're looking for an old article, parody, discussion or audio, chances are it'll be here in some form or other. If it isn't, send us a mail and we'll spend far too much time going through old backup discs to find it.
This page also includes something approaching the 'original version' of the site so at least no-one will ever have to go trawling through archive.org for the old 'Edit News' stuff ever again.
SOTCAA 2000 - 2001 An approximation of the original site, cobbled together from several archived versions.
First published March 2000 |
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The SOTCAA Christmas Book An explosion of material - and the last time the editors bothered using one of those sodding WISIWYG programs.
First published December 2001 |
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The UK Online archive The stripped-down 'limbo' platform. Also includes the full Monty Python site and the Glossary of Terms.
First published November 2002 |
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A SOTCAA Scrapbook Old bits and pieces - scans, articles, posters, ads, etc. All spruced up nicely and shoved before you.
Never previously published |
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