The Mrs Merton Show

Chat show vehicle for Caroline Aherne (then Caroline Hook)'s stage creation. The first two series were pretty jolly - none more so than when she asked a pensioner which of the two World Wars was his favourite. Later, less cruel, editions sucked.

1. The interview with Bernard Manning (19/3/98) was cut slightly on its repeat broadcast, following complaints about the comedian's racist language. Strangely, only one line was removed, and plenty of equally offensive lines were left intact, some of which were tackled by the other guest, Richard Wilson:

MANNING I can eat what I want, I can drink what I want. I can say what I want. It's a free country. That's why all our troops...our troops...died at Dunkirk, and Anzio, and Arnhalgm, and Montecasino.

WILSON A lot of black people died there as well.

MANNING Not at Dunkirk, my friend.

WILSON The Commonwealth Army...

MANNING Ohhhhh no. No no. My brother was at all these places...

WILSON The Commonwealth Army fought absolutely through the war...Indians, Africans...

MANNING But not for us - they fought for themselves. You don't think Hitler would have let them off the hook, do you? There were no Pakis at Dunkirk. Right up. And Arnhalgm. No Pakis at Arnhalgm.

The final 'No Pakis at Arnhalgm' was the only section that was cut - presumably a compromise job, to remove as much superfluous racism as possible yet still present the performance as it occurred.

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