It really was chaos.

‘Don’t turn around – I’m having a shower and I don’t want you to see my bare cunt because you’re a man!’
– chortles aplenty with the usual gang of misfits and outcasts in what can "only" be described as Man About The House

1. A film version of this sitcom (15/8/73 - 7/4/76) was made in 1974. In an incongruous display of post-modernism, it contained a scene in which George Roper (the magnificent Brian Murphy) encounters the two characters from ITV’s Love Thy Neighbour (Rudoph Walker as the black ‘Bill’ and Jack Smethurst as the white ‘Eddie’) in the Thames TV bar. They appear to be discussing the merits of black versus white, until we realise that they are actually discussing chess. George then recognises Walker, and says ‘You’re Sambo, the nig-nog...straight out of the jungle’, to which Smethurst seems offended and says ‘You mustn’t talk to my friend like that’. (‘Well, you do on the telly!’ protests George; He gets paid for it,’ replies Walker dryly.) The racist line is always cut from the scene when the film is broadcast on Sunday afternoons on ITV.

The neighbours from Love Thy Neighbour argue over a skeleton

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