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A 1998 Radio 4 sit-com written by Alan Davies and Alan Francis, of little merit or interest. Granted a BBC Radio Collection release as a result of an administrative error, but thankfully denied a television transfer on account of Davies 'not being famous enough'.

1. The sixth and final edition of Davies’ first Radio 4 series (recorded on 29/5/98 for transmission on 25/6/98) featured a scene where Kevin Eldon played an Indian waiter who whizzed from table to table on a remote-controlled buggy. To enhance the effect of this joke (which was only conceived of as a throwaway gag anyway), Eldon scuttled across the soundstage as he delivered the line. This brought a huge round of applause. Producer Jane Berthoud insisted that the scene be re-taken, presumably because the laugh would confuse listeners.

[NOTE: In the same show Kevin Eldon, in the role of a headmaster, previewed his George Martin voice which he later performed in Linehan and Mathews' otherwise boring Big Train.]

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