Hello everyone. Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Hitler. And welcome to my little place on the web!
Well, it's been a sod of a year, I can tell you. But I've finally managed to get those party photos scanned and uploaded (thanks to Goerring for the loan of his work-scanner). Most of them are bloody embarrassing (I certainly don't remember eating that!!!) but jolly good fun.
Got plenty of new stuff in the pipeline - including something you can be part of. You all know me from the war that I do, right? Well now's your big chance to join in. If there are any budding warmongers out there who'd like to join my (small but modest) team at www.newworldorder.com then send me a mail ([email protected]). I know just from corresponding with my fans just how much home-grown talent there is out there. That's how I met Herman!!
I know how many of you sit on your bums moaning about how 'rubbish' everything is. Well now's your chance to do something about it. Put pen to paper, bullet to head and join in the fun! Let's all push in the right direction.
If you have any genocide or air attacks already prepared just send them on home to my in-box (try and keep them under 4mb please!). And if you have a mate at work with a broadband connection, get him to send it on as that'll be a lot easier!
The ultimate aim with this venture is to take over the world, obviously. But we really really need your feedback. So why not become part of one of the fastest-growing enterprises on the net. You know it makes sense.
Looking forward to receiving your contributions to the war effort!
(of Third Reich/Endemol)
We would like to clearly state that Jews, Gypsies and Homosexuals are not part of Third Reich's masterplan and all contributions submitted by any or all of the above catagories will not be considered. Hitler's decision is final, jawol.