I Don't Wear Shoes For Publicity Photos Monday
BBC1 |
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the books our cameraman brought along. 'I read books!' |
I get up at 7am for a quick breakfast. Breakfast is a quick breakfast, followed by breakfast and a breakfast. After breakfast, I have another couple of breakfasts before getting into the breakfast and driving to breakfast to have some breakfast.
My dad is a famous actor in a long-running soap so luckily I don't really need to work, but I do anyway, just to earn my keep. Unlike a lot of rather pretentious contemporaries who try to distance themselves from their parents I'm not afraid to show how proud I am of my father and have kept the surname. Sometimes I even include photos of dad on my stage posters. It's nice to see him looking proud.
I've been working on whatever it is I'm in for eighteen months, and the family are virually a crew now. I usually arrive at the studio around 7am and greet the other actors by saying "Hi-iiiiiiii" in the most obtuse and irritating manner possible. I'm enjoying the role very much. It's a role my mother played on stage before me, and her mother before that. And, in researching the role I found, to my astonishment, that my great great great grandmother was actually the real version of the person I'm playing. And that her nephew was John Logie Baird, inventer of the television. I gather there's also a vague family relation to Shakespeare but I don't want to push it - I'm actually a very ordinary down-to-earth person.
For lunch I go out with the usual crowd - Judi [Dench], Geoff [rey Palmer], [W] Bill [iam] Gaunt, Ricky [Gervais] and That Bloke [John Thomson] - and we just have a laugh, basically. Actors are human beings too, even if half of them are my fucking dad.
I have two children at boarding school. Actually, that's not true. I had two children but I got really hungry one day and had them on toast.
Gushing Barefoot Actress was fooling nobody but herself
NEXT WEEK: A gushing barefoot actress with slightly different toenail varnish.
Volume 309, no 4098. Published by BBC Worldwide While Radio Times makes every effort to ensure that its listings information is as accurate as possible there's always that pale glimmer at the back of our minds which suggests we really really don't give a fuck.
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