Time Out |
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Spanners heard of a funny incident during filming for a recent edition of Jonathan Creek. Apparently, Alan Davies was so hungry on set he ordered a hamburger from a nearby fast food outlet. Needless to say, the cast and crew were not amused.
News reaches us that Caroline Aherne smokes fags. Apparently, during recordings for the recent Royle Family Christmas special, Caroline was so keen on fags she could be found regularly smoking fags between takes. Fags, my arse! Maybe she should stop smoking fags.
’Tis the season to be merry, and Spanners is no exception. However, we raised a tentative eyebrow this week at some free publicity material we received through the post. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
People’s genius Al Murray breathes oxygen.
John Cleese was not best pleased the other week. He had arranged a gourmet evening but the chef was drunk so he had to get the food from a nearby French restaurant, but then his car broke down and he hit it with a tree branch and shouted at it. I think he got trifle in the end, by mistake.
Caroline Aherne (her again!) almost certainly did something, yesterday.
Spanners cannot think of any other showbiz news, even though we’re a major listings magazine and presumably have loads of contacts. Why not read the letters page instead? Oh, you already have.
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Something Which Is Obviously Fantastic (BBC2, 10pm)
Something That’s Well Overdue A Good Emperor’s New Clothes-Style Slagging (BBC2, 9pm)
Something Our Media Friends Tell Us We Should Like (Ch4, 11pm)
Seinfeld (BBC2, Midnight) The Royle Family (BBC1, 10pm) Something Worthy (BBC2, 8pm) EastEnders (BBC1, 8pm) FILM OF THE DAY: Scorcese’s classic People Just Sort Of Standing Around Talking (1979), beginning a season of films by directors with whom we’re on toadying, second-name terms. Followed by Titchmarsh’s Gardener’s World. Well, that’s all we’ve got time for on Time Out. Next week , our editor explains that his magazine may be horrendous, but at least it’s not as bad as Heat. Plus: Paul Whitehouse’s London (‘It’s brilliant!’). Available next week, for the price of only £2.20. You will buy it, although you’ll never be sure quite why. |
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