and when I met them they were so NICE!!!

Hiah. I'm Karen ('Kaz' to my mates). I love comedy. My favourites at the moment are Noble & Silver, Barratt and Fielding and Lee & Herring. I've met them all backstage. I'm not a groupie though. Well, I used to be, but that's sooooooooo behind me now.

I'm mad on radio comedy - I've got almost everything dating back to November 2000 which I record on my little pink tape recorder I've had since I was ten.

Edinburgh is my spiritual home. Roll on next year!!!

I write comedy reviews for my school newspaper. I won first prize in an essay competition when I was just 13 (seems aaaaaaaaaages ago now) and my teacher Mr Kenwards let me submit articles regularly. My mother thinks I'm good enough to take it up professionally. Mr Kenwards is a bit of a dirty old man sometimes (he's always pretending to massage my shoulders and stuff which is a bit icky 'cos he's really old and manky and has a wife and stuff) but I don't like to say anything 'cos mum will be disappointed if I don't stick at it.

One day I hope to be working in the media permanently, and spoiling everything for everyone with my stupid voice and magazines and hats.

Byeeeeeeee. LOL.


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