Head - "Changes"
Full Contents:
1.   Introduction
      An overview...
2.   Opening Ceremony
      Changes, pages 1 - 2
3.   Porpoise Song / Kissing
      Changes, pages 3 - 4
4.   Mirror / Ditty Diego
      Changes, pages 5 - 9
5.   War / Circle Sky
      Changes, pages 10 - 15
6.   Godzilla
      Changes, pages 16 - 28
7.   Godzilla / Channel Hopping
      Changes, pages 29 - 33
8.   Desert
      Changes, pages 34 - 37
9.   Can You Dig It / Western
      Changes, pages 38 - 39B
10. Lord High n Low
      Changes, pages 39C - 39F
11. Studio Canteen
      Changes, pages 40 - 43
12. Boxing Match
      Changes, pages 44 - 46A
13. Verite / As We Go Along
      Changes, pages 47 - 49
14. Factory / Dandruff
      Changes, pages 50 - 53
15. Vacuum / Daddy's Song
      Changes, pages 54 - 56
16. The Cop / The Eye
      Changes, pages 56A - 60

Head - Hype
Full Contents:
1.   The Brockman Campaign
     How to sell an unsellable film
2.   The Columbia Pictures

     With the complete Pressbook
3.   Trailer Trash
     Pondering on the trails
4.   Campaign A One-Sheets
     In all their glory
5.   Campaign B One-Sheets
     Pretty colours
6.   Other Posters
     International flavour
7.   The Lobby Cards
     The first batch...
8.   Other Press Pics
     Work in progress...
9.   French Press Pack
     Some rare text.
10.  Rare Radio Promo
     Dick Strout Reporting.

Head - Press
Full Contents:
1.   Previews
     Fan mags with hope in their hearts
2.   Reviews
     Adult press reactions
3.   Sight and Sound, 1976
     Long interview with Bob Rafelson
4.   UK Release, 1977
     Press reaction to belated release
5.   Other