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Full Contents: | |
1. Introduction An overview... | |
2. Opening Ceremony Changes, pages 1 - 2 | |
3. Porpoise Song / Kissing Changes, pages 3 - 4 | |
4. Mirror / Ditty Diego Changes, pages 5 - 9 | |
5. War / Circle Sky Changes, pages 10 - 15 | |
6. Godzilla Changes, pages 16 - 28 | |
7. Godzilla / Channel Hopping Changes, pages 29 - 33 | |
8. Desert Changes, pages 34 - 37 | |
9. Can You Dig It / Western Changes, pages 38 - 39B | |
10. Lord High n Low Changes, pages 39C - 39F | |
11. Studio Canteen Changes, pages 40 - 43 | |
12. Boxing Match Changes, pages 44 - 46A | |
13. Verite / As We Go Along Changes, pages 47 - 49 | |
14. Factory / Dandruff Changes, pages 50 - 53 | |
15. Vacuum / Daddy's Song Changes, pages 54 - 56 | |
16. The Cop / The Eye Changes, pages 56A - 60 | |
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Full Contents: | |
1. The Brockman Campaign How to sell an unsellable film | |
2. The Columbia Pictures Campaign With the complete Pressbook | |
3. Trailer Trash Pondering on the trails | |
4. Campaign A One-Sheets In all their glory | |
5. Campaign B One-Sheets Pretty colours | |
6. Other Posters International flavour | |
7. The Lobby Cards The first batch... | |
8. Other Press Pics Work in progress... | |
9. French Press Pack Some rare text. | |
10. Rare Radio Promo Dick Strout Reporting. | |
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Full Contents: | |
1. Previews Fan mags with hope in their hearts | |
2. Reviews Adult press reactions | |
3. Sight and Sound, 1976 Long interview with Bob Rafelson | |
4. UK Release, 1977 Press reaction to belated release | |
5. Other etc | |